A few weeks ago, a man on a stage at a conference asked the men in the room 'When was the last time the Gospel brought you to tears?." A few days later, another man who doesn't run in that same group said on a podcast - 'When I consider what it means that the Lord chose to love me in spite of me, I am emotionally devastated.' Last night, a pastor stood in front of the regular Wednesday night dinner study crowd and welled up full of tears as he uttered the words through a clinched throat, "When I think about what it means, what He has done for us..." He, like the others was overwhelmed by grace.
Mathew 18:2-3 tells us, Jesus called to Himself a little child which he put him in the midst of the disciples gathered with Him and said, 'Truly I tell you unless you turn from your ways and become like little children you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.'
This is the Gospel then isn't it? It's easy to miss the truth of the Gospel and go straight to a form of religious legalism in the idea that we must turn (or as some versions say, be converted). That is to say, the first thing most natural minds tend to in these verses is what must be done or not done to accomplish some end. What then does it mean to become like little children? What then does it mean to turn from sin? How then is this actually accomplished?
The truth of the gospel is actually found well before this, in the idea that Jesus calls to Himself a little child to set before them all as an example of what He intends to convey. There is presumably nothing special about this particular child, EXCEPT that Christ Himself has chosen this one as an example to explain and display His message.
Are you with me yet? For if you are a believer in Christ, let me tell you - YOU ARE THAT LITTLE CHILD - you were chosen by Christ to become an example of His teaching and work. You have been set in the midst of the world as living breathing representation of what Christ means to convey. Your only worth is found in this and thus your worthlessness (or unworthiness) otherwise is overcome.
Thus we are commanded, turn from our ways and to His that we might gain eternal life. This is grace then at work within the redeemed heart, called out by Christ for a purpose and given meaning. The Gospel is not that we are perfect when we make some decision to turn or even perfected in our own manner by some self-help steps to turn. Rather, we turn when He calls us and we follow His voice, we become in His eyes as innocent as a small child and grow then into His compassion and love. Others instead ignore His calling and follow their own desires to their end.
If the idea that Christ has done this for you regardless of your failings and inabilities doesn't completely overwhelm you and even bring you to tears just about every time you consider it, I would dare say you haven't truly experienced the Gospel that brings conversion and life. Just to check, what is it that makes you justified (right) before God? If you persist in thinking it is something you do, let me assure you that you are going to come up short in the end and suffer deeply throughout. If your redemption from sin is in anyway dependent on you, you are in big - big trouble. If it is instead Christ who has provided your salvation, then you need no further assurance, knowing already that regardless of sufferings you are indeed His child.
It is not a childish faith that saves, but rather being a child of the One who does. Christ left the glory and majesty of His eternal existence to live as a human being - like you and me. He came to seek and save that which was lost - you and me. He was crucified, receiving the condemnation for the sins of you and me. He is risen from the grave, having overcome death and judgement due to you and me. He reigns in Eternity where He will claim those who He has called and who believe on Him for their salvation proclaiming Him as Lord. Me. You?
Are you overwhelmed by His Grace? I certainly am.