Monday, May 30, 2011

Nothings and somethings...

Certain concepts, beliefs, and fields of study are essentially Nothings. They exist only as they are seen and given interpretive meaning. These words are nothings and so is the very concept they are meant to embody.

All of History is essentially a nothing. It secondarily expresses action based first on partial evidence, rather written records or oral accounts, each is partial and certainly not impartial. Consider any recent significant historical event, the JFK assassination, the Bush/Gore election, or even the twin towers. Depending on who you talk to these are very different events whose details are varied and meanings are muddled. As time passes and history is reinterpreted through more modern perspectives and changing social norms, the event is no longer the event. The History has become a nothing, existing only in the expression of it regardless if its actuality.

So in the framework of faith and theology, we find the epitome of the Nothings. Individuals creating from their own mind and perspective a conception of deity to justify their means and manner of existence. Rarely is this form based on any actuality, rather on personal desire to feel connected to something. There is a longing to fill some hole within the self with something greater, perhaps to convince ourselves we are more than nothing.

Faith is often defined as believing without seeing, but too many take it a step beyond and believe without thinking, without meaning, even without any basis on an actual existence. Hearing a partial and hardly impartial version of some particular religious and so-called spiritual expression, they 'apply' some 'profound' nugget of 'truth' to their life as they would choose and would lead them as they desire in themselves. Whether it is the yogi, the motivational speaker, the latest self help book, or even the sunday sermon ~ if your 'FAITH' is little more than some part of personal development for your own edification than it is essentially nothing. A made up version, self constructed from yourself to grant yourself some fools dream of a peace by a piece.

Here is our challenge... there exists a book which claims for itself to be the very expression of God about God. The Bible is either something we should consider very carefully with diligent study and extreme thought OR it is a nothing. Sadly too few accept the latter view without even a moment of consideration or concern. Nothing could be more foolish when something may be there.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lo d'krkr

behold for all to see, 
just you just me, krkr's in the field are we, 
bangn it hard to be, some sort o' wealthy.. 
hard livn cuz life takes a toll- the fee, death ultimately... 
are we really ready...?

Lo D'Kraker... 
ignoring the fact of life - that the race he runs cannot be won.  
D'plor'n d'act o'strife... d'fac'n d'One who'sent His Son... 
snor'n away, he lack'd what we've embraced.. fo fun unta tha sun . 
bor'd today so he crack'd his wife not graced his hun, heart weighs a ton... 
krkr it ends badly for you... 
wha will you do?

Go strong go light be tough don't fight... 
be wrong act right go rough live tight... 
not long the light prolongs the night... 
it's com'n krkr... it's com'n krkr... 
one way or another your end is com'n krkr... 
ima make sho ya'll don't forget... 
ima make sho its all unpent... 
ima make sho it all gets spent...

its xmn krkr -  its xmn krkr  - the end is nearer than you believe... 
its time to mend your fear so you'll receive...

Store up to spend... your way defend... keep krkn... 
on yoself depend borrow don't lend... keep krkn... 
forget you've sinned just like all men'd... keep krkn... 
these words are penned remindn you of your end... keep krkn... 
fake smiles you've grinned as you descend... keep krkn... 
never thought ta mend what you have wren't hey krkr... stop krkn..

It ain't a'right, it ain't ok... you poor krkr...
you've got no sight, you've got no say.. you poor krkr... 
a sad sad plight, your sad sad day... you poor krkr... 
a bad bad fight, you gotta go away... you poor krkr... 
you're not right, gonna have to pay... you poor krkr... 
instead krkr... why not hold tight to the Way... Christ man... krkr! 
He's your Lord too you fool.  you poor krkr...

I understand you well krkr, cuz you're me... 
striving with yourself through this life for simple pleasure... 
angry when it don't go your way... who said it should?  
You mean mean krkr, hat'n e'ryone especially yourself. 
Try some love, try some grace, try given up on yourself.  

Lo D'Kraker ~ ended here.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Out in Left Field, Not Listening

May means softball... not just a little softball, ALL softball ALL the time...

I am 'helping' coach two teams.  My oldest daughter is catching on a 12 Under team coached by a softball masta (props to Steve Parker).  I am just glad to be around a dude that knows his stuff and learn more about the game an' coaching girls at this age.  The team is undefeated because of one simple thing, they listen and respond.  

They listen to this guy who knows his stuff, then do their absolute best to put it down like he says.  Yeah they've got talent (for the most part), yeah they've played together for a while and a lot (for the most part), BUT without listening and responding to what the coach is telling them, they will surely lose and worse not learn anything.  

Night and day then to the 8 Under team that is full of little girls who are for the most part completely unaware of the game happening before them, even as the ball speeds off the bat toward them.  Playing in the dirt, looking at mom & dad in the stands, picking their nose (or other places), and talking with the other little girls in the field.  Try making field adjustments as a coach with this crowd.  Yell as loud as you like, use the simplest terms possible, point, wave- jump up and down... maybe just maybe they look up and wonder, "What's up with that fool?"

So no wonder, as the hard corps little team with a real live pitcher ravages us, the little girl in left field cannot be reached.  She's in her own world fo sho, never to be seen again.  But then a miracle, as I am all but ready to start using a spot light or send up smoke singals via self-immolation, I say her name and she looks up... I tell her shift over right just enough to cover the huge hole that this next ball is gonna come down through.  

SHO NUFF, she moves!  SHO NUFF ball hit right to her... what was a home run slama just became a single.  Crowd goes wild. Little girl smiles. She knows, she did good.  Yeah they lost 10-2, so what!   I reached that one kid with the concept to hear the coach, do that thing, and make the play. Now we learn'n softball.

I - and you too, my friend - are standing out in left field ~ pick'n our backside, chattin it up, try'n to look just that cool while we whine about how bored we are.  You keep thinkin, "So what the board says we're losing, isn't this just a game we play'n?" 

What is that out of this world coach doing over there waving at us for.  What's He yellin' bout... move where? WHY?  --- oh that ball, ain't comin' my way, is it?  ...and what would I even do if they hit it to me?  I just signed up for the uniform coach-- when do we get some snow cones...? 

Get your head in the game, listen to the coach, and make some plays.  Now we're learn'n some Gospel.

A.W. Tozer  hit it out of the park with this one... 

"Lord, teach me to listen. The times are noisy and my ears are weary with the thousand raucous sounds which continuously assault them. Give me the spirit of the boy Samuel when he said to Thee, “Speak, for thy servant heareth.” Let me hear Thee speaking in my heart. Let me get used to the sound of Thy Voice, that its tones may be familiar when the sounds of earth die away and the only sound will be the music of Thy speaking Voice.  Amen."

(full bit on 'The Speaking Voice' --> here)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Against Christ

[an interpretive of "planning/knowledge" - one of three images displayed in 
the Bank of America Corporate Center in Charlotte, NC - see all three here]

The Dark Son is rising over the Kingdom of Man,
in scheming and devising, a way of control his plan.
With purpose to prevent the Lord's light from our sight,
an eclipse of descent, defeat without a fight.

A theory created to obscure Creator,
teaching the educated by wisdom to ignore.
All are so entangled, hope and freedom taken-
the empty heart strangled, as God is forsaken.

The rulers and the kings of this age bow their head
honoring earthly things forgetting what He said.
Their hearts rock hard with sin, they refuse to ever hear,
the word of grace to men, or believe He came near.

They discuss loftily as if they understand,
yearning so greedily to meet their soul's demand. 
Building up brick by brick a worthless empire here,
failing to see how quick that the end will be near.

A spirit against Christ, with self above all else-
a soul's worth poorly priced, when our sad payment fails.
Made to look like savior, to lead away the lost,
as peace but bringing war, giving freely at cost.

So to attempt to climb, to the heavens as if,
to grasp some lost sublime truth from history's myth .
A tiresome journey ending only in death
of the worshiped body, an empty temple left.

Building a monument for the acclaim of none
believing we are sent to do and to be done.
Stranded in the desert of will twisted away-
trying to avoid hurt and just live for today.

So this Dark Son stands, ready for destruction,
allegiance he demands to his false construction.
Anti-Christ this manner of our culture our world,
our name on the banner, a flag proudly unfurled.

Not of Christ, not the Lord - of us against His will,
living in full discord, believing the lie real.
Time is passing quickly, eternity does wait,
as our soul so sickly falls to what we call fate.


Christ came from glory, to seek and save each one.
such a simple story about the One, true Son.
Whose sacrifice has claimed our judgement to be paid,
for those who will be named as one who Christ has made.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Do we remember?


Let me warn you right now, you probably won't like what I am writing here.  I didn't like the thought when I first saw it, but it is a convicting thought.  Nine years ago yesterday our nation was attacked and inflicted with the terror of an enemy who could destroy the very security and freedom we as Americans value more than anything.  

As if it were encouragement then Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle quoted Isaiah 9:10 which says: "The bricks have fallen down, But we will rebuild with hewn stones; The sycamores are cut down, But we will replace them with cedars." (

And we are in fact rebuilding, the cornerstone for Freedom Tower was laid on July 16, 2004 and many are even angry that Freedom Tower is not yet complete.  That cornerstone is inscribed in memory of the fallen and "as a tribute to the enduring Spirit of Freedom."  The hewn stone is placed and we will rebuild it even higher so no one will ever forget that day and the American way of life.  Consider what George Pataki, then Governor of New York, said at the stone laying ceremony, "Let this great freedom tower show the world that what our enemies sought to destroy - our democracy, our freedom, our way of life - stands taller than ever before." (

In fact there was even a very large, very old sycamore tree which was made quite a thing of near ground zero.  A shard of metal pierced the tree and the blast felled it, but it protected a nearby church from damage.  The roots have been bronzed and placed at the church and the tree was replaced by an Arz Tree [literally 'Cedar of God'] (   

Now read the context of Isaiah 9:8-21.  It is really about the judgement of God against past Israel as a nation leading to their exile into Babylon.  They were attacked once as a warning and opportunity to repent and return to the Lord.  Their response is to say "in pride and arrogance of their heart" (v9:9) what is quoted in v9:10 about rebuilding the fallen stones and trees.  v9:11 says the Lord therefore raises up enemies of Rezin (firmness literally - historically a Syrian king) and joins all their enemies against them.

Little more... 
v9:13 "But the people have not returned to him who struck them, nor have they sought the LORD Almighty."
v9:16 "Those who guide this people mislead them, and those who are guided are led astray." 

Also consider the sentiment of the Builders at Babel... Genesis 11:4 "Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”  That ended the same way as past Israel's rebuilding project of Isaiah 9:10.  Also consider Proverbs 16:18 "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall."

Isaiah 9:8-21 is a section about wrath / judgement against pride and arrogance.  I submit this not necessarily for its prophetic merit toward America, which is arguable.  Rather consider your own heart, is it like mine that swells with pride in America or worse in itself?  Do you stand for the Spirit of Freedom above all else... above even the Lord?  The American Spirit is one of rebellion and revolution, one of individual strength and power ~ it is natural for us to resist submitting to the Lord.   Where then are we placing our trust and what then are we giving our worship to ~ ourselves and not the Lord?  (re)Turn to the Lord.

Now consider Isaiah 9:1-7, (specifically v6-7) it is the fortelling of the coming of the Christ and his Reign on his return.  
"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.  He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this."

Is Christ the Lord of your life?  Is He the Lord of our land?  Believe it or not - He is in fact Lord.