One of the official signs of getting older for most of us is that our eyes start to fade a bit and so our prescription for glasses needs to become a little stronger. It's only been a couple of years since I last saw the optometrist, but my Rx sure has changed in that short time.
Now let me let you in on a little money saving tip, buy your glasses from a discounter online - I use Zenni Optical. In this most recent order, I got 3 sets of glasses for about $30 each. The only downside is that you have to wait a couple of weeks or maybe a bit longer if the order gets held up in customs en route from Hong Kong. Just be sure you put your Rx in exactly correct.
So as I started hunting for glasses, I began with a set of sunglasses. Finding several pairs I kind of liked, I even put one or two in the shopping cart before deleting them. Finally, I scrolled down and saw the pair that just absolutely blew me away - they were not just what I was looking for, but something more. They were just plain awesome. After this I decided I wasn't going to just settle for any pair of glasses I just 'liked', I really wanted to just be blown away.
There are a number of spiritual parallels to be seen and brought into focus here.
Have you ever heard the term 'worldview'. Basically this is how you see the world, more specifically the lens through which you look to observe and perceive what reality is. The truth is that fallen humanity is incapable of seeing the world properly because of the damage done to our eyes by the sinful environment and what we have been exposed to. We need glasses to help us better see the world as it is, the Bible is this lens of truth through which to evaluate and perceive the world.
Why then would we settle for anything less than the right prescription in a spectacular set of frames? If we water down the prescription by say cutting it in half instead, it's not as strong as it could be and might even distort our view to see improperly. If we overdo it by adding something to it that is not prescribed, the same is likely to happen. Both of these conditions are likely to cause headaches, dizziness, and confusion. Of course I'm talking about life here as much as I am glasses. Some folks take a handful of verses, generally out of context and craft their own glasses out of substandard materials they can find - leaving off what they think they don't need or just don't like. Some folks add in a lot of traditions or religious practice in hopes to augment what is already exactly what they really need. Where are you at on this?
Let's go one more, why would anyone settle for some so-so frames even with the right lenses? I remember my Marine Corps issued black rim BCG (BCG=Birth Control Glasses)... wear them and they are a guaranteed birth control device. Now the hip kids are wearing them thinking they look cool, I hate to tell them differently, so I just enjoy the chuckle (usually internally, but not always.) Yet, every single day we settle for having lenses that are correct, but are set in lives that are sadly out of place. Either we are so off compared to our context we are trying to reach that we just miss the connection mark completely OR we so contextualize ourselves to fit in that our message is lost in the din of cultural relevance.
Alright, you still reading, well here's your bonus... Why spend more than you should? The system is set-up to overcharge you for what shouldn't cost you that much. The true price of a pair of glasses is about $25, at least that's what I pay. The true cost of your relationship with God to be made right is more than you can ever imagine or even consider paying, but the awesome thing is - the price to be paid by you is zero. The gift of eternal life and your being made righteous in the sight of God is the blood of Christ freely given to you. Think about that for a second, God chooses not to see you as you truly are but rather through the lens of His Son Jesus Christ and accept you as you are now that you might be made perfect through that relationship -- let's call them Songlasses or seeing the world through crimson stained lenses. Once you get this, I mean really get it, you will be overwhelmed by the Spirit led life rather than just satisfied with a so-so view of life through a generic set of glasses you've just settled for OR worse keep on trying to pay some hefty price you don't owe anyway.