Wednesday, April 24, 2013

bending linearity

to see
rather the
curving space
having bent linearity
not so straightly affixed
as if coordinately drawn from
then into the Cartesian, well having
forgotten complex angular functions 
polar sphericity otherwise always known,
whereby generative form is representated
every dimension precisely inprescience
evincing everything existentially entirely
trigonometrically tracking totality tightly
integrally infinitesimally indeterminably
past perceivable plotted pinpoints 
to dynamic, indefinite, infinite, so
life as it is, is something more
than just an overly simplified
distance between 2 points-
one known, beginning-
the other set, -end,
one way > only,
a line?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Walking A Way

Walking A Way

The lies that we follow, the stranger’s voice
calling us away from the fold.
Acting as if we have made some choice,
wandering aimlessly in darkest cold.
Seeking to play, we are played like toys,
so the robber has us, tight in his hold?
The thief comes with purpose, he destroys,
not as if we have not been so told.
Yet we forget, distracted by all the noise,
and off after our desires we strolled.
Falling for the schemes the enemy employs,
for the wages of sin we are sold.
We have been robbed of our former joys,
but what of redemption foretold.
When shall He come again with all His poise,
that those shamed may be consoled.
How long do we wait until we actually rejoice,
in greatest worship our Savior extolled.
Knowing Christ has foiled these simple ploys,
our souls once, now forever enrolled.
No! Sin is conquered, Christ remains victorious,
                we should remember, return, be bold.
Needing only to listen to the Word- so glorious,
                indwelt by the Spirit – God to behold.
This is the Way we should be walking.