Friday, January 11, 2013

a look left into glory

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice & be glad in it." Ps 118:23-24

God is master of the most beautiful moments & redeemer of the darkest ones. 

His glory shines through & His majesty is proclaimed. 

I am blessed to have even been made alive in it to see & express such. 


Let me share this story with you. I shot the picture above this morning from the intersection at the turnoff of our country roads onto the nearby highway. Early this week (Monday night), at this intersection one of our neighbors tried to turn from this highway onto this little country road and someone hit her from behind at full speed. The impact killed the 5 year old daughter in the back seat, caused injuries including brain damage to the 7 year old daughter which claimed her life Wednesday morning, and broke the mother's back leaving her paralyzed. Her blind husband was picked up from their house and taken to be with her. She is still in a hospital bed in critical condition. 

Every morning this week as I've come up to this intersection, I've become increasingly frustrated and upset about all of this. Mostly for my youngest daughter who played some with these girls and is now dealing with the emotions of loss including the big issues of God's sovereignty/goodness and the world's brokenness. Also for my wife who is struggling with the closeness of such a tragedy and the reality of how fragile this life truly is. Some for me and my guilt for not really knowing these people better by investing in their lives with interest, time and care. 

Now here's the kicker- I'm told that Dawn, the mother of these children, laying in a hospital bed on this side of such tragedy proclaims God's goodness and glory now and to come. This is astounding to me- I must honestly wonder in such circumstances how I would respond.

So as I argue with God this morning about all this, He gently reminds me of His ultimate goodness and I operate in my complete brokenness. I stop abruptly at the highway intersection I've come to pretty much hate this week and I curse it aloud. Then I look left to see the light of dawn breaking through the darkness, mine included.

It's not trite to say this. In fact it's impossible to say it. So much so that it can only be the worship of a broken heart which knows Christ has overcome death and the fallenness of this world and me particularly- empowered by the Holy Spirit screaming out only what it hears: 

"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice & be glad in it." Ps 118:23-24

God is master of the most beautiful moments & redeemer of the darkest ones. 

His glory shines through and His majesty is proclaimed.

I am blessed to have even been made alive in it to see & express such.


Maybe you don't know that Jesus, the Son of God, came through the darkness to show God's glory to the world. Maybe you need to hear today that the light of the Spirit can shine brightly in your life even when circumstances seem their worst. Tragic horrible things happen in this life because of sin and brokenness. We can argue with God and curse this fallen world or we can turn and look into His glory. We can embrace the love of a Father who sent His only Son from that glory to this mess of life to live the life we can never live, die the death we deserve to die and to become our resurrection into glory. 

I'm honest enough to admit that while I believe Jesus Christ is my Savior and Lord, this faith is still being worked out in my heart moment by moment in the power of the Holy Spirit. I can only trust in Him to do that. I pray you can to.

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