Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Utilitarianistic Obliquities

Used, only to be used up,
Exhausting the exhausted, 
The lack of the lacking, spent-
left alone to be lonelier, still.

Shall we deviate by division, 
Turning by degrees oft hence
Squarely against for the right 
To intersect as violently opposed.

Safer to obfuscate in terms
Radical measures calculated
to be not referenced or seen
Used for their purpose then gone.

Momentary thoughts passing
Into another frame lightly
Bringing revolt without dissent
As the line is imperceptibly bent.

Speak plainly as you must & will
knowing that in rememberence
Testaments require sacrifice 
To be seen only in remainders.

Such is true of truth embodied
Except lines are finally erased
Replacing the struggle of direction
With the way of life, ad infinitum.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

broken sys / re

Transactional interactions,
disparate actors desperately acting
for self affection by false attraction
per prompted petty promotion
and deignfully designed deceit.

One master, me.
One movement, more.
One monument, mine.
All else outside to its benefit.
Taken oh so beneficently.

Billions of mouths to feed
So many souls in need
Each one trying to lead
No one willing to bleed-
Save for a Saviour, divine seed.

Crushing demands released
in gracious giving without end,
as we could never believe.
So He came to interecede,
truth made to live for all to see.

Given so the taken are regained
Set adrift so the lost may be found
Torn apart to unite the separated-
In Christ, the hope of all unbound &
the Glory of God forever renowned.