Friday, April 17, 2015

The Sacrifice

He entered the sanctuary slowly, cautiously- as if afraid his very presence might cause some violent reaction.  The great space was empty except the many seats, a stage with many instruments and a speakers podium, and before the stage a large darkly stained wooden table carved with the words 'Do this in remembrance of me.'

Slowly, reverently, he walked with his head lowered toward the front carrying a box.  He was speaking aloud lowly as he moved, more crying than words.  Clutching the box, he reached the table and opened it to remove two small white doves.  He placed the birds, whose wings and feet were tied, on the table, and pulled from his coat a knife.

At this point I intervened, 
*Exactly, what are you doing!
I said from the sound booth in the back over the speaker system.

He ducked and looked around quickly dropping the knife to the floor.
"The... The... the required sacrifice..." He managed to gasp out.
*Haven't you heard I require mercy not sacrifice.  
"Yes... yes, I need mercy. So I bring sacrifice.  I must."
*Don't you know this sacrifice for your sins can never fully atone... No sacrifice you make can.
"I have been to many churches making sacrifices in search of forgiveness."
*I know and now here you are.

(Blood appearing on the communion tables of about a dozen local churches was all over the news.)

*You can never sacrifice enough to make yourself forgiven.

He stood for a long time, knife in hand. staring through the windows before him into the sky and slowly began raising the knife high above him pointed downward as if to plunge into himself.

*What do you think you're doing now?
"If there is no hope, I might as well end all of this."
*Don't you know the good news.  
"What... good news?"
*Jesus, the Son, died for you.  On a cross his blood was shed. He came from eternal glory to live the life you can never live and die the death you deserve.  He is your sacrifice already made.  

The knife lowered only slightly as he looked at a rough wooden cross set on the stage before him.

"If he died what hope is there."
*He was raised to eternal life as all who believe in him will be.  His death conquered sin once and for all, his rising to new life conquered death as well.
"I want to believe."
*Then ask.
"God help me to believe in Jesus your Son, help me to understand what this sacrifice means for me, forgive me by his blood." 

The knife dropped out of his hand and he fell to his knees crying.

I walked up front and introduced myself and then we prayed together prayers of joy and tears.

He said, "I just spoke to God,"

stopping to laugh he finished,"not the one that sounds like you."  

Then he said, "Jesus is speaking to me now."

He insisted we release the doves, walking outside we used the knife to cut the bands holding their feet and wings.  They flew into the bright blue sky as we smiled.  My new friend, my new brother in Christ, turned and said, "We are free!"

more than they can dream

Waking up this morning, one phrase reverberates here in my heart and soul, "more than they can dream."

So now I'm left to wonder where did this phrase drop into me from, because it is not my own.  In fact, after now looking it up, it appears to be a Winston Churchill quote that has lain for several months from a recent book on a quick read.  (Gandhian Approach to Development and Social Work, By K. D. Gangrade; p. 40)

The quote goes, "...if the human race wishes to have a prolonged and indefinite period of material prosperity, they have only to behave in a peaceful and helpful way toward one another and science will do all they wish and more than they can dream."  

I believe in more than science, but above all I believe in making peace, for by this are we known as children of God. (Matthew 5:9)  In peace we do find prosperity and more, as we properly use whatever resources of time, energy and money that we have been provided in a harmonious fashion rather than wasting them in struggle. Elsewise, the power of the individual is diminished and never fully realized outside the combined expansion into vital relationship.  (synergism, 1+1=3, Together We Achieve More, sum of the parts is greater than the whole, etc.)

Regardless of any perceived:
* struggles of health- physical or mental,
* lack of resources- finances or time,
* personal or personality differences, 
* individual or group failures (past wrongs)
* or belief about intent or level of trust.

Each and every person we serve and serve with - every single one of them and ourselves could have 'more than they can dream.'  Yet somehow over thousands of years of human history we continue to fail.  Throughout our lives we continue to fail.  Everyday I fail.  We are not our answer.

Graciously, through Christ- God has provided peace.  I would never dream that as a failed human being any truly righteous holy God would have concern for me - or if God did, that it would be love and compassion rather than judgement as I have deserved.  Yet, the good news is just that - Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, lived the life I can never live and died the death I deserve to be raised to everlasting life, as I will be because the Holy Spirit has made belief in my heart possible.

In this, hearts and minds are changed.  Peace is found.  First with God, perhaps with ourselves, and maybe then with each other.

Here is glory to God.  Why would anyone here waste a single breath otherwise, except in that pursuit and declaration?  We are here for that purpose alone.

Thus I believe and pray about myself and the heart of each person I serve and serve with.  I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and Gospel of Jesus Christ to change hearts and lives for the Glory of God.