Sunday, February 27, 2011

Submit: Lessons in Love - The Noble Wife

 What does it do to a fallen man for a noble wife to willingly / purposefully submit? 
(conviction of sin does not necessarily lead to repentance, but repentance always leads to forgiveness)
A fallen wife makes demands on her husband that never end. (if the wife is not repentant)
A noble wife gains the praise of her husband that never ends (if the husband is repentant).
Chicken and egg argument (if he’d just…I would), nothing from nothing leaves nothing...
… even that argument is settled biblically – otherwise it’s just an unending argument.

sign of dominance / submission throughout creation among animals  (lowering / raising of head)
As an act of conquering / contempt – decapitation, sins upon one’s head, shaving of head
As an act of reverence / blessing expressed through – bowing of head (by Jesus in prayer and finally death), anointing of head (with perfume in preparation), placing hands on head (even as scapegoat and betrayal by Judas), covering of head (removed and used in washing of feet), hair of the head (used to wipe the feet), placing of the crown (even of thorns).

The church submits to Christ because without Christ’s leadership it is not the church… same for a wife and husband – it is the relationship with the husband that makes a woman a wife – in as much she is (becomes) a wife as she fulfills that role. 
[very important compared to body of Christ for two become one lesson later]

This of course leads into how Christ is the head of the church in a sacrificial manner and so should the man be the head of his wife (even regardless of her submission), but that is for next week.

Ladies, spend a week submitting to your husband, regardless of his leadership (or lack thereof), If he leads as he should he will appreciate it, if he does not lead as he should, it will convict him of his failure in this.   In this you will help prepare his heart and mind for the next lesson on how he should be the sacrificial head over you and your household.  Love and serve him rather than react to him.

Husbands, prepare yourselves even before we learn the lessons of sacrificial leadership, give your wife her due praise – whether she has earned it or not, if it is deserved it will encourage her, if it is not, it will convict her.  Love and lead her rather than react to her.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Country Kitty Outreach (a parable in parts)

Country Kitty Outreach (a parable)

Attracting some new outside friends is as simple as putting out food and water bowls and keeping them full. In doing so, all those in the area that are hungry will soon find their way to your doorstep.  Some are wanderers that go between many places for their food and you'll only see them periodically.  Some are strays without a home who may or may not stay.  Some may get dropped of at your place as the car speeds off.  They will also reproduce naturally (even beyond your capacity to care for them).  You might even see a few completely wild ones wander in that you have to deal with.

Don't forget you have to have an abundance of food to keep the bowl filled.  This must be done regularly and consistently.  They are essentially there to be fed and cared for.  They will always follow their hunger away from an empty bowl no matter how much you love them otherwise.

Each one has a little different story and personality.  Each one will relate to you in their own way.  Some will come right up and tell you all about it.  Some will run as soon as you open the door.  Most take some time to get used to you before they'll let you get close.  A sad few will never trust you no matter how hard you try.  A sadder few may be hostile to you no matter how hard you try.  

There are good moments, usually when they all wander in at feeding time.  They'll eat as much as you'll put out for them.  They'll do cute things that make you laugh.  They'll even show you affection, as long as you provide for them.  They might even inspire you to think about other things in new ways - take for random instance ministry outreach.  The best moments are when you truly make friends with them and you are able to really show them care.

There are frustrations, like at 3a when your new friends call for your attention without concern for your tiredness.  It's also surely not any fun to see your new friends fighting with each other.  There are some sad moments when your new friends are injured or worse. The saddest moment is when you come to the conclusion you will likely never see one of them again~no matter how long or often you call to them to come in to be fed.  Every now and then though, surprisingly, one you haven't seen in a long time comes around.

The outside cats will always want to go inside even though they wouldn't really like it. The inside cats will always want to go out even though they couldn't survive long out there.  The inside cats are a little different, almost snobbish.  They are too well fed and too well cared for.  Spoiled is the right word.

Inside cats are still animals at heart even if they act like they aren't.  Don't empty the litter box for a while and see what happens next.  Don't pay attention to them and see what a mess they make.  Also, know that a closed door or a wrapped package will always attract attention - inside cats hate secrets they aren't in on and will work to expose them even when there isn't one.  Oddly, once properly applied, cats recognize the snap of fingers, the water spray bottle and the belt enough you don't have to even use them - you need only pull those out and they'll quit doing wrong things (they know better but just can't help themselves).

Of course I'm really talking about people, churchey folks and worldly folks. The food is the Word of God and the compassion we show.  The good news about people is they don't have to always be the ones who only need to be fed and cared for - they can learn and choose to be the one who does that for others.

Thursday, February 24, 2011



A single tile of its own shape and color,
by itself unremarkable, without distinction,
having little worth without purpose or context,
alone it shows only itself and little more.

Placed carefully together by a skillful hand,
joined with others, yet each uniquely set.
Now as one there is something more,
made in artistry to portray an image.

This new expression calls for response
to the illustration seen clearly in connection,
the uniting in order displays the beauty
found in the very spirit of the Creator.

Simple pieces in a spectacular design,
meant to demonstrate exquisite splendor.
Even one missing from its place detracts,
from the majestic likeness of being.

This is the body of Christ,
moments of worship,
reflections of glory,
the love of God.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Companion in Time

Death comes to life with each one,
staying with us until we are done.
Each chooses their own way to cope,
many with despair and few by hope.

There are those who run fast away,
finding his shadow at the end of their day.
Others run headlong into its grip,
letting life go without a slip.

Many dare ignore the truth we all know, 
that one day in death's embrace, we must go.
So they build, or conquer, or seek great fame,
to find it empty at the end of their game.

Death is but a companion in time to be found,
walking with us until we go to the ground.
Ever present with us, we may try to push past,
into eternity to what we hope may last.

Run as we may or lay down and cry,
the truth is everyone of us will soon die.
Death as companion tells a somber tale,
of only One over who his power does fail.

With Death comes judgement to each mortal soul,
ringing up a horrible cost of life's final toll,
most still only have Death at that last chime,
but I have found Christ as my companion in time.

So beyond death~into a newness of being,
into the very presence of God it will bring.
Step by step we three walk toward eternity,
I with Christ who has conquered Death for me.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Become a man --- of distinction..

A boy who accepts responsibility for himself is a man,
but even then a man is just a single being, all alone.
So few boys ever become a man.  
Fewer still ever become anything more than just a man. 
A man can become more - there are marks of distinction.

A man who seeks to meet his responsibilities to:
God is a disciple
his wife is a husband
his children is a dad
his friends is a brother
his church is a member
his work is a laborer,
his community is a neighbor
his country is a citizen,
convince others to do likewise is a leader.

No man can ever hope to accomplish these responsibilities by his own efforts,
to try to do so himself is to become an utter failure and a miserable fool,
in his seeking he must first rely on the redeeming work of Christ & the Holy Spirit,
and then on the fellowship of men who want for such distinction in their lives.

A disciple who seeks to meet his responsibilities to: 
properly use what God has given is a steward
reach the world for Christ is a missionary,
understand and explain truth clearly is a teacher
guide others in these many things is a shepherd,
share the gospel with everyone he meets is an evangelist,
proclaim the truth of the Word as it is given is a prophet,
go when and where he is sent by God is an apostle.  

A husband who seeks to meet his responsibilities to:
care for his wife's physical needs is a provider,
care for his wife's emotional needs is a lover,
 care for his wife's spiritual needs is a champion,
keep from hurting his wife or from her being hurt is a protector.

A dad who seeks to meet his responsibilities to:
love his children unconditionally is a papa,
 spend time laughing and playing with his children is a daddy,
give discipline to his children when they need it is a parent,
make sure his children are prepared to be adults is a father.

A brother who seeks to meet his responsibilities to:
help his friends in their time of need of is a giver,
be along side friends when they need someone is a companion,
 stand firm with his friends in their times of trouble is a defender,
challenge his friends to be what they should be is a partner.

A member who seeks to meet his responsibilities to:
be actively involved in the church through fellowship is an participator,
share in the financial cost of ministry by the church is a contributor,
show kindness to those in need within the church is an encourager,
follow the leadership of the elders and deacons is a supporter.

 A laborer who seeks to meet his responsibilities to:
consistently and diligently perform his work is an achiever,
treat others with respect in his work is a colleague,
develop and apply skills in his work is a professional.
use resources wisely to accomplish his work is a manager.

A neighbor who seeks to meet his responsibilities to:
improve the community is an activist, 
involve others in the community is a promoter,
bring together people throughout the community is a uniter,
give time and support to all in the community is a servant.

A citizen who seeks to meet his responsibilities to:
be informed about national issues is a constituent,
protect the ideals and principles of the nation is a patriot,
represent the interests of the nation above his own is a statesman,
be willing to give his life in service and defense is a hero.

leader who seeks to meet his responsibilities to:
motivate individuals to be more is a counselor,
bring a team together for a purpose is a coach,
assign tasks to accomplish a mission is a commander,
lay down his life as a sacrifice is a follower of Christ.  

Jesus Christ - THE man of distinction,
who has already fulfilled all the work that must ever be done
to enable any man to meet so many responsibilities 
that demand attention beyond our own capabilities - follow Him.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Creator Revealed (Part 4)

Here is the 4th part of a series of blogs discussing the idea that,  who God is - is revealed to us generally in His creation.  This is based on a section of Marc Driscoll's book Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe, specifically found in Chapter 3, God Makes: Creation.

If you haven't already done so, you should read on how God is revealed in creation to be, 
(part 1)   - 1) a single Being, and 2) the perfect unity of three in that One
(part 2)   - 3) eternally uncaused, 4) living and active, and 5) independent
(part 3)   - 6) transcendent, and 7) immanent;

Each of these discussion is somewhat progressive and building to understanding the others, so again they are worth reading in order.  Especially if you still see some of them as contradictory to the others OR don't even have a clue what might be meant by these terms.

In this portion, we'll take a look at how God is revealed by creation to be, 
8) personal, 9) powerful, and 10) beautiful

Here's Driscoll's bit on it...

Let's flesh all that out some!

Consider that God is not just a mere person only but truly personal and really the personality that all else extends from and responds to. The Lord is truly a unique being and unimpressionable by any other. Instead, His impression remains upon His creation, fingerprints and tell-tale signs of His distinct nature are to be seen throughout creation.  Yet, He neither requires such expression or appreciation of it to define His existence.  Look at the orderly design of creation, look at the consistency of nature, 'consider the Heavens' and know that they all declare not just the majesty and glory of the Lord - but who He is.  It is one thing to know about someone, fact/figures as such as this can also be done about a thing - it is an entirely different thing altogether to actually know someone as in the continuing expression of their personality to yours.  Thankfully this interaction with God which is made so only generally by creation, is more  specifically accomplished by the revelation of God's Word and His Son, and personally even to intimacy by the indwelling personality of God's Spirit working within each believer.

The very unique character of God is shown not just as a faceless power as a part creation but rather as powerful in His expression and work in creation and us.  There is a very clear difference between the electricity as a force, what the electricity does in its working, even how it works, and ultimately that it even is able to do this by its very nature.  As a being who needs not for anything else to be powerful and is able to do as He will, the Lord is the very definition of powerful.  His powerful nature is exhibited by the creation of that which was not brought out of nothing by His sheer command. Even more than this, His power is not spent, diminished or extinguished in that process OR even separated from the creation.  It is this very power and glory that constantly sustains the creation and will one day bring about its end. True power is in this, that the Lord can and does as He desires even now within creation without limitation.  This is unlike those within creation who are steadfastly held by its otherwise immutable laws.  How then can this be any different in our lives as believers except that His power is the only power that works for our good, according to His plan.

He is not just beauty alone, as if a thing to be beheld and judged from the limited view of any one particular eye.  Rather He is the very definition of beautiful from which the existence of the great variety in expressive forms springs forth.  When we express creatively and artistically, we are merely exposing and mimicking the majestic work of God first expressed by Him in the very act and artistry of creation.  We are copying the same forms and methods, colors and sounds, already available through creation - but He provided these very things from a divine imagination relying on nothing else.  More than this then is that He is expressing that very essence and mastery of the beautiful as He creates within each of us a a renewed heart, mind, and soul which can more purely reflect that ultimate beauty of His glory.

The greatest expression of this personal, powerful, and beautiful nature of God is of course found in the incarnation of such as the Christ.  The very direct connection of the Almighty personality to creation is found in the pierced hands reaching out from eternity into our very lives.  The most powerful expression of His desire for a personal relationship is shown in taking on Himself the sins of all and overcoming death and hell for any who will but believe on this power for their salvation.  So, the truly beautiful life is expressed in seeking and living out the revelation of the Creator as shown in His creation, read and heard from His Word, and with the Holy Spirit guiding and directing.   

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Caught in - the middle

I recall the strength of a young man,
with sharp wits, brilliant and bright,
but brash and bold, ready to fight,
always on the go without a plan.

I hear the voice of an old man,
full of wisdom and insight,
but tired and forgetful, with fright,
steadily going on the best he can.

Old says wait, Young says now,
Young says do, Old says how.
Old considers, Young justs goes, 
Young won't ask, Old already knows.

Young your time is wasted, so poorly spent,
Old your back is wasted, too sorely bent.
Young your hope and joy is strong, 
Old your patience and peace is long.

Old says young wants to move too fast,
Young says old wants to live in the past.
Neither wins this argument in my heart,
and so it rips and tears apart.

Here I am, caught in the middle,
between the young man I was,
and the old man I am becoming.
So this is what middle age is like.

Creator Revealed (Part 3)

This is the third part of a series of posts on 'How God is revealed through creation' based on a section of that name from Chapter 3, God Makes: Creation in Marc Driscoll's book Doctrine:What Christians Should Believe

The first part discussed, 1) that there is only one God AND 2) that He is the perfect union of three in one (trinity). If those seem contradictory, I suggest you read that first bit if you haven't. 

The second part covered the ideas that, 3) God is uncreated and eternal, 4) living and active, AND 5) independent. These characteristics are those that are particularly God's allowing Him a freedom of existence and action that a created being such as you and I do not really have. This distinction and interaction is further described in today's portion. 


How is God revealed a) generally within creation, b) specifically through the Word, and c) personally through the Holy Spirit, TO BE:
6) transcendent and 7) immanent 

Those are a couple of words we don't exactly use in everyday conversation, so they bear some discussion and definition. 

Let's start with transcendent, Driscoll puts it like this:
"6) God is transcendent.  God is separate from His creation.  there is a clear demarcation between Creator and creation.."

Merriam Webster Dictionary shows four meanings: Definition of TRANSCENDENT
a: exceeding usual limits : surpassing
   b: extending or lying beyond the limits of ordinary experience
   c: being beyond the limits of all possible experience and knowledge
2: being beyond comprehension
3: transcending the universe or material existence — compare to immanent (<<<LOOK AT THAT!!!)
4: universally applicable or significant 

OK, so let's compare Transcendent with Immanent 

Driscoll > "7) God is immanent.  Not only is God transcendent over creation, but contrary to the deists' claim, He is actively at work in His creation, sustaining and providentially ruling over it."

Webster Definition of IMMANENT
1: indwelling, inherent <beauty is not something imposed but something immanent — Anthony Burgess>
2: being within the limits of possible experience or knowledge — compare transcendent

Well which is it?  Is God beyond our comprehension or is it possible to know Him?  Is He outside and beyond His creation OR is He intimately involved and revealed in every bit of it?  To quote the philosopher-poet Forrest Gump, "I think they is both happening at the same time."

Let's consider a couple of examples in creation to better illustrate the point:

The leaf tells us much about the tree, what type, what kind, much of its very makeup, but it is not the tree.  The original tree is still itself without the leaf, it has interaction with the leaf as they are attached, but the tree does not rely on it solely for its existence - the tree transcends the leaf, but it is immanent to the leaf's existence. This is the vine and the branches bit of John 15 where in v5 Christ cautions us that if we will remain in Him much may be made of and through us but that apart from Him, nothing.  A dried up leaf is no longer good for any purpose but to be raked up and burned.  

Another try here:  Among the greatest things I have had involvement with in creation is my children.  My daughters are alot like me, they look like me, they act like me - but they are not me.  I am outside them, wholly distinct from - I continue to interact with them on a consistent and daily basis.  They are to some extent a partial image of me, but surely not an exact copy or even somehow a required part of me.  They follow my counsel and direction only imperfectly and often not at all, to their own peril by harm they fail to avoid or discipline I choose to provide.   If they ultimately choose to rebel against that relationship and ignore their old man, what can I do for them except pray and hope.  If my influence is no longer present, then they will be less and less like me with each passing day - eventually holding only a limited physical resemblance. 

Now consider this same point with another child, the Son of God.  Unlike my daughters, Christ was the perfect image bearer of His Father.  Unlike me and my daughters, the Father and Son are in their very being one and so Christ is the perfect expression of out little problem with this versus that. Because, Christ is the perfect union of God and man, the full indwelling of God in our frail form.  He is the transcendent presence of God made immanent to His created (Immanuel=God with us).  Uncreated became, infinite lived for a time, and the unknowable / incomprehensible Creator became knowable and revealed.  

Christ is the contradiction resolved - unsolvable problem solved - sin reconciled.  IS this the case in your life?  Not just that simple prayer of Christ be my Savior and live in my heart, but really the Spirit of transcendent Creator and Lord of the Universe indwelling in you - actively working and sustaining.  May this be the case for all who believe on Christ for salvation unto life.