Thursday, November 24, 2011

happy thanks giving

Is our thankfulness for what we have misplaced on the possession?  If these things were gone how thankful would we then be?  If you don't believe your thankfulness is about stuff, just think carefully as you claim thankfulness over some-thing today - what if I lost this thing?  We center our thankfulness on us & what we have.  If we were being honest, we'd just say "I'm glad I have _____." That's not really thankfulness, because it is dependent on the continued having of that thing or worse the hope not to lose it.

 *** Our thankfulness to the Provider should be regardless of the provision.

Any parent who has ever suffered the dreaded, 'I hate you' - because you would not give your child something they wanted, or worse had to take something precious away in the process of discipline, understands this distinction.  We are no less frivolous in our 'love' to the Heavenly Father.  Our thanksgiving is indeed dependent on what we have and what we think of it.

Today, as with each day the Lord chooses to give me, I am thankful that my right relationship with Him is based on Christ's love for me rather than anything I might ever have, do, or be.  True thankfulness arises from knowing we are provided for by One who loves us and a proper estimation of the fact we are provided for at all.  The truth is that when compared to Him, all those things are just things.  Those who believe and so rely are not possessors of so many momentary things to be lost and lamented, but possessions that have been saved and redeemed by The Eternal Creator.

The blessing from the King unto us, worship of Him, is true thanks giving.
The rest is gravy.

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