Saturday, February 18, 2012

Love Wins (rewarmed) OR Jesus Christ is Lord

TD Jakes gave a 'rousing sermon' at Whitney Houston's funeral about LOVE and its victory over death... not once did he say the name of Jesus Christ... (an astute observation not my own)... Why is that?  Was he afraid to offend someone or is Jakes' theology really as confused as some have suggested?  Did he just pull a oopsy due to time or other pressures and forget?  How can any preacher of the Gospel be in such a moment with a grieving family of a life so tragically ended and before the whole world watching, captive to sin and death as they are in such a moment and not clearly proclaim - Jesus Christ is Lord.

I know we supposedly live in a wonderfully multicultural open society of tolerance, however; as a professing believer, if you can't openly say Jesus Christ is Lord without feeling like you might offend someone... you should consider & talk with Him about how this offends Him.  Matthew 10:32-33 (  You should then ask yourself just how tolerant that society really is if it cannot bear to hear proclaimed Jesus Christ is Lord.

The person & work of Jesus Christ is so much more than a warm fuzzy feeling of 'love' or even the disembodied spiritual goodness 'preached' of today... The Gospel is about the very incarnation of God the Son on this earth through a divine conception and human birth- fully human, fully divine.  Having been preexistent in Eternity, He bears even now on His resurrected body the very scars of His death on the Cross on behalf of those who will believe & proclaim - Jesus Christ is Lord.

Why? Without such a Saviour - without such a sacrafice - without such a person & work on our behalf coming forth out of the love of God, then death and sin would have truly had it's victory.  Yet it still will over those who maintain in their fallen & separated state, away from God, having rejected His One & only Son - His One & only Way to reconcile sinners to Himself - Jesus Christ is Lord.

*Just Forgot?
Really, TD's a smart guy... almost too smart... too specific... too calculated. No, he didn't forget.  This was purposeful, but why?  A sneak attack with 'love' leading to a Gospel of no worries.  How can one forget the name of the Saviour, much less the most simple statement of faith, Jesus Christ is Lord.

I'd like to be overly kind and say Jakes just whiffed it. I have to be honest and say I feel  there's something so much more profoundly sad & concerning about having an international stage of millions with the opportunity to make much of the Gospel, the Saviour, the Christ & Lord and not once uttering the name - Jesus in any form.

What I saw was a semi-decent performance piece about how 'Love Will Last Forever' that had a rotting odor of self-help, universal acceptance, claim-it belief, and purposely muddled theology.


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