Friday, February 25, 2011

Country Kitty Outreach (a parable in parts)

Country Kitty Outreach (a parable)

Attracting some new outside friends is as simple as putting out food and water bowls and keeping them full. In doing so, all those in the area that are hungry will soon find their way to your doorstep.  Some are wanderers that go between many places for their food and you'll only see them periodically.  Some are strays without a home who may or may not stay.  Some may get dropped of at your place as the car speeds off.  They will also reproduce naturally (even beyond your capacity to care for them).  You might even see a few completely wild ones wander in that you have to deal with.

Don't forget you have to have an abundance of food to keep the bowl filled.  This must be done regularly and consistently.  They are essentially there to be fed and cared for.  They will always follow their hunger away from an empty bowl no matter how much you love them otherwise.

Each one has a little different story and personality.  Each one will relate to you in their own way.  Some will come right up and tell you all about it.  Some will run as soon as you open the door.  Most take some time to get used to you before they'll let you get close.  A sad few will never trust you no matter how hard you try.  A sadder few may be hostile to you no matter how hard you try.  

There are good moments, usually when they all wander in at feeding time.  They'll eat as much as you'll put out for them.  They'll do cute things that make you laugh.  They'll even show you affection, as long as you provide for them.  They might even inspire you to think about other things in new ways - take for random instance ministry outreach.  The best moments are when you truly make friends with them and you are able to really show them care.

There are frustrations, like at 3a when your new friends call for your attention without concern for your tiredness.  It's also surely not any fun to see your new friends fighting with each other.  There are some sad moments when your new friends are injured or worse. The saddest moment is when you come to the conclusion you will likely never see one of them again~no matter how long or often you call to them to come in to be fed.  Every now and then though, surprisingly, one you haven't seen in a long time comes around.

The outside cats will always want to go inside even though they wouldn't really like it. The inside cats will always want to go out even though they couldn't survive long out there.  The inside cats are a little different, almost snobbish.  They are too well fed and too well cared for.  Spoiled is the right word.

Inside cats are still animals at heart even if they act like they aren't.  Don't empty the litter box for a while and see what happens next.  Don't pay attention to them and see what a mess they make.  Also, know that a closed door or a wrapped package will always attract attention - inside cats hate secrets they aren't in on and will work to expose them even when there isn't one.  Oddly, once properly applied, cats recognize the snap of fingers, the water spray bottle and the belt enough you don't have to even use them - you need only pull those out and they'll quit doing wrong things (they know better but just can't help themselves).

Of course I'm really talking about people, churchey folks and worldly folks. The food is the Word of God and the compassion we show.  The good news about people is they don't have to always be the ones who only need to be fed and cared for - they can learn and choose to be the one who does that for others.

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