How does creation reveal (both generally through physical existence & specifically through Scripture) that:
a) there is One God
b) God is a perfect unity of three (trinity).
READ these two points AND scripture references from pages 86-87 of Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe, by Mark Driscoll.
1) How are both of these seemingly contradictory statements true (reread/browse Ch 1 as needed)?
2) How do we as the image of God (even as corrupted beings) reflect this same concept (more on this in the next Chapter on Image:God Loves)?
3) What are a few general biblical things any person could do to better integrate/reconnect these differing states of being (body, mind and spirit) to each other and God that would be worshipful in so doing? In other words, how can we worship God with our body, with our mind, and with our spirit and how does this reconnect these to each other and Him?
4) Ask God to reveal to you now one very specific issue / sin in your life that is causing you to not better reflect His perfect love. Is this a physical sin, a mental sin, or a spiritual sin (likely an unholy trinity affecting your whole being)? Which is really the problem? Behind every sin is a lie we are believing and continuing to tell about God. Talk with Him about how this dishonors His glory and clouds your perception of Him... Now offer this part of yourself to the Lord as a living sacrifice and act of worship.
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